Friday, May 14, 2010

How do I use cpio command under Unix?

Q. Can you explain how do I use cpio under Linux / UNIX?

A. GNU cpio is a tool for creating and extracting archives, or copying files from one place to another. It handles a number of cpio formats as well as reading and writing tar files. cpio command works just like tar, only better.

As I said earlier, cpio works like tar but it can read input from the "find" command. This is nifty feature. For example you can find out all *.c files and backup with cpio command.

# find / -name "*.c" | cpio -o --format=tar > c-file.backup.tar
# find / -iname "*.pl" | cpio -o -H tar > perl-files.tar

You can also specify file name using -F option:

# find / -iname "*.pl" | cpio -o -H tar -F perl-files.tar


-o: Create archive
-F: Archive filename to use instead of standard input or output. To use a tape drive on another machine as the archive.
-H format: Specify file format to use.
-i: Restore archive

You can extract archive with the following command:

# cpio -i -F perl-files.tar

You can list file inside archive i.e. list contents of the cpio file with following command:

# cpio -it -F perl-files.tar

You can write archive of /home to tape (drive /dev/nst0), type the following command:

# find /home | cpio -o -H tar -F /dev/nst0

Restore backup using following command:

# cpio -i -F /dev/nst0Backup /home dir,

to remote system tape drive:
# find /home | cpio -o -H tar -F --rsh-command=/usr/bin/ssh

HP-UX UNIX: Start / Stop and Configure Cron Services

Q. I need to run a backup and other stuff everyday. How do I check and start cron service under HP-UX UNIX operating system? How do I write cron jobs?

A. Cron service is required to run jobs and tasks such as backup.

You must login as the root to run following commands. Each user that is using the cron service must have a cron configuration file in the /var/spool/cron/crontab directory. Also users are permitted if their name appeared in /var/adm/cron/cron.allow file

Task: Find out if cron is running under HP-UX

Type the following command at a shell prompt

# ps -ef | grep cron

Open /etc/rc.config.d/cron file

vi /etc/rc.config.d/cron

Set control variable to 1 to enable cron : CRON=1
Set control variable to 0 to disable : CRON=0

Close and save the file. To start or stop cron you can type the following command:

# /sbin/init.d/cron start <-- start cron
# /sbin/init.d/cron stop <-- stop cron

Task: HP-UX Start cron service

If cron is not running, simply type:

# cron

Task: Edit / create cron jobs

Type the following command to submit a cron job:

# crontab -e

List your cron file:

# crontab -l

Backup all your cron jobs:

# crontab -l > ~/

Remove ALL cron job:

# crontab -r

Task: Crontab file format

Cron file format is as follows:

0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 0-6 /root/scripts/
Easy to remember crontab file format:

* * * * * command to be executed
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | ----- Day of week (0 - 7) (Sunday=0 or 7)
| | | ------- Month (1 - 12)
| | --------- Day of month (1 - 31)
| ----------- Hour (0 - 23)
------------- Minute (0 - 59)To run /root/script/backup at 23:00, every day, enter:

# crontab -e

Append following

0 23 * * * /root/script/backupRun foo job very weekday (MON-Fri) at 6am, enter:

0 6 * * 1-5 /root/script/backup

HP-UX UNIX Configure an NTP Server

Q. How do I configure an NTP (network time protocol) Server under HP-UX UNIX server as my applications rely on the system clock accuracy to get current time / run reports?

A. NTP is used for time synchronization. Many applications such as backup shell/perl scripts, make utility and others depends upon accurate system time.

HP-UX xntpd server configuration

xntpd server (daemon) is used by HP-UX. Open file /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons:

# vi /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons
Make sure following variables are defined and XNTPD is set to 1:

export XNTPD=1
export XNTPD_ARGS=
Save and close the file. Where,

■NTPDATE_SERVER : space-separated list of timeserver / IPs - If server uses the radio clock / system time, leave the NTPDATE_SERVER blank.
■XNTPD : set it to 1 to enable NTP
■XNTPD_ARGS : set options, see man page
Make sure correct timezone is setup in /etc/TIMEZONE file (look for TZ variable):

# vi /etc/TIMEZONE
Save and close the file. Open /etc/ntp.conf file:

vi /etc/ntp.conf
Make sure server are defined:

server unix-box-ntp
server delhi-ntp
peer delhi-noc-ntp
driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
Close and save the file. Where,

■server : ntp server used (poll) to obtain time
■peer : a peer relationship with another ntp server
■driftfile : track local clock time (drift of the local clock)
Start HP-UX ntp service:

# /sbin/init.d/xntpd start
# /sbin/init.d/xntpd stop <-- stop ntp service
Verify that everything is working fine:

# ntpq -p
Watch out log file /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log for errors:

# tail -f /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
Make sure xntpd is running:

# ps -ef | grep xntpd
SAM - GUI Admin Tool
=> SAM can also be used to configure NTP service under HP-UX, just start SAM and open time window.

HP-UX: How Do I configure routing or add route?

You can use route command to configure routing. Syntax is as follows:
route add net {network-address} netmask {subnet} {router-address}

Let us assume your router address is and network ID is, then you can type route command as follows:

# route add net netmask


To add a default route:

# route add default

Verify that (display) routing table is updated (display routing table):

# netstat -nr

Test it i.e. try to ping or send nslookup request:

# ping

To flush all routing entries use command :

# route -f

However if I reboot HPUX box then above routing entries gets removed. To pick up your setting upon each reboot your need to configure Routes in HPUX networking configuration file - /etc/rc.config.d/netconf. To add default router/gateway

# vi /etc/rc.config.d/netconf

Add or modify following entries


Reboot HP-UX system/server to take effect

# shutdown -ry 0

How to mount CDROM in hpux

HP-UX UNIX Mount CDROM ( CDFS ) Filesystem Command

Q. How do I mount CDROM media under HP-UX UNIX System from a shell prompt? How do I automount CDFS file system using /etc/fstab file?

A. You need to use standard mount command to mount the CD (data CD or ISO9600 format cd). You must login as the root user to perform following operations.

Step # 1: Find CDROM device name

Ypu need to use ioscan command to find out the block device file name located at /dev/dsk directory. Without the block device name, you will not able to use CDROM. Type the following command to view CD-ROM device name:

# isoscan -funC disk


-F : Generate a full listing, displaying the module's class, instance number, hardware path, driver, software state, hardware type, and a brief description.
-u : Scan and list usable I/O system devices instead of the actual hardware.
-n : List device file names in the output. Only special files in the /dev directory and its subdirectories are listed.
-C disk : Scan the system hardware and list all the devices belonging to the disk device class.

Step # 2: Create a mount point

Next create a mount point for CD-ROM such as /cddisk, enter:

# mkdir /cddisk
Step # 3: Mount the CD
Mount the cd, enter:

# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ /cddisk
Replace /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ with actual device name such as /dev/dsk/c1t3d0:

# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c1t3d0 /cddisk
To access file use normal UNIX cd, ls, cp commands, enter:

# cd /cddisk
# ls
# cp file /somewhere/else

Step # 4: Update /etc/fstab

Update your /etc/fstab file for automatic mounting, enter:

# vi /etc/fstab
Append following line, enter:

/dev/dsk/c1t3d0 /cddisk cdfs ro 0 0
Save and close the file. Use mountall command to mount all file system listed in /etc/fstab, enter:

# mountall
Above will mount all unmounted file systems listed in /etc/fstab.

Step # 5: Unmount the CD

To unmount the cd, enter:

# umount /cddisk

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to increase the logical volume size?

Before increasing the size of the logical volume, always ensure that you do a make_tape_recovery and fbackup on the data stored on that particular logical volume that you wish to increase.

Always check your current and free lvol size before increasing so you can keep track and notice the difference.

We take a scenario where I would want to increase my /dev/vg00/lvol10 to 1GB

1. umount /dev/vg00/lvol10
2. lvextend -L 1024 /dev/vg00/lvol10
3. extendfs -F vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol10
4. mount /dev/vg00/lvol10 /myfolder
5. bdf

bdf command to check your increased lvol size.

Firewalling hpux using IP Filter

Configuring IP Filter on a HP-UX 11i installation

Check if IP Filter is installed:

# swlist | grep IPF
B9901AA A.03.05.12 HP IPFilter 3.5alpha5

The IP Filter configuration is stored in:


IP Filter starts on boot by default and processes the rules file /etc/opt/ipf/ipf.conf.

Verify that IP Filter is running:

# ipf -V
ipf: HP IP Filter: v3.5alpha5 (A.03.05.12) (400)
Kernel: HP IP Filter: v3.5alpha5 (A.03.05.12)
Running: yes
Log Flags: 0 = none set
Default: pass all, Logging: available
Active list: 1

To (re)load IPFilter:

# /sbin/init.d/ipfboot start

To check statistics:

# ipfstat

To test a set of ipf rules without putting them in place, you can use the ipftest(1) tool.

The default log file for ipmon is /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

Here is a commented example rule file set:


#IPFilter configuration file

# block incoming packets with ip options set
block in log quick all with ipopts

# These rules will allow connections initiated from
# this host along with the return connection
pass out quick proto icmp all keep state
pass out quick proto tcp all keep state
pass out quick proto udp all keep state

# End allow outgoing rules #
# These rules specifically do not log netbios udp or portmapper
# packets because these protocols tends to be very noisy on networks
block in quick proto udp from any to any port = netbios_ns
block in quick proto udp from any to any port = netbios_dgm
block in quick proto udp from any to any port = portmap

# The following rules explicitly allow certain types of connections#

# Allow SecureShell incoming connections on alternate port
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 9451 flags S keep state keep frags

# Allow Oracle incoming connections:

# Oracle iSQL*Plus
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 5560 keep state

# Oracle Enterprise Manager (em)
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 1158 keep state

# Oracle database
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 1521 keep state

# Oracle agent
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 1830 keep state

# Oracle 9i Installation

#Oracle http
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 7777 keep state

#Oracle https
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 7778 keep state
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 4443 keep state

pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 3566 keep state

#Block any incoming connections which were not explicitly allowed#

block in log all

Remember, if you're doing this remote via ssh, make sure you have iLO access in case you mess up and block ssh by mistake.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Samba discussed in detail

Samba Overview
Samba is an application that allows a Linux or UNIX host to act as a file server for Windows systems and Windows systems can access UNIX filesystems and printers using their native Windows networking. We'll demonstrate a Linux system mounting a Windows drive and a Windows system mapping a Linux drive in this section.

Samba provides its file-sharing functionality using Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. SMB runs on top of TCP/IP. In our example in this section, both the Windows system and UNIX system are running TCP/IP and SMB. These provide all of the technology that is required to establish file sharing between the two systems.

At the time of this writing Samba contains the functionality just mentioned: file-sharing, printer sharing, and advanced user access control of files. There are many advancements taking place with Samba and other software provided under GNU Public License (GPL) as free software. Because the software is free, many people have access to it and spend time enhancing the software. For this reason, you may find that additional functionality is included in Samba and other such software.

smb.conf Setup

Because Samba is supplied on the Red Hat Linux CD-ROM, we'll walk through a simple Samba setup using Red Hat Linux. When installing Red Hat Linux, you can select the software packages you wish to load, as you can on most all UNIX variants. If you did not load Samba at the time you originally loaded the operating system, you can use a graphical RPM tool or rpm from the command line to load Samba or any other software.

The configuration file for Samba is /etc/samba/smb.conf. The smb.conf file has all Samba-related setup information in it. For our simple Samba setup in this chapter we need to have only a few lines in the file setup. We need to have a few Global Settings and Share Definitions in order to achieve our file system sharing between the Windows and Linux systems. The following are three select sections from smb.conf that were modified for our example in this section:

# workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name
workgroup = DEVENV

encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

comment = Home Directories
browseable = yes
writable = yes
valid users = %S
create mode = 0664
directory mode = 0775

We have a workgroup of DEVENV specified.

We want our passwords to be encrypted and we'll use the file /etc/samba/smbpasswd for these encrypted passwords. We'll have a user on both the Windows and Linux systems with the same name.

We have some information related to our Share Definitions, such as making the Home Directories browseable.

We made only these three modifications to the smb.conf file; however, next we'll run a Samba utility called testparm. This utility will check our /etc/smb.conf file for errors. This utility produces a very long output which I won't include here, but you'll want to run this and check for any warnings or errors it produces.

# testparm smb.conf

Load smb config files from smb.conf
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
# Global parameters
coding system =
client code page = 850
code page directory = /usr/share/samba/codepages
workgroup = DEVENV
netbios name =
netbios aliases =
netbios scope =
server string = Samba Server
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = No
security = USER
encrypt passwords = Yes
update encrypted = No
allow trusted domains = Yes
hosts equiv =
min passwd length = 5
map to guest = Never
null passwords = No
obey pam restrictions = Yes
password server =
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

There were not warnings or errors produced from having run testparm so we'll proceed to the next step

User Setup
We now need to create a user on both the Linux and Windows systems that can be used for our Samba-related work. It may already be that you have suitable users on your system. For the purposes of this demonstration we'll create a user on both systems.

On the Linux system we can use the useradd program from the command line or User Manager graphical program (Programs-System-User Manager) to add the user. The user will appear in the /etc/passwd file after they have been added. We'll then issue the following command to add the encrypted user passwd to the /etc/samba/smbpasswd file:

# smbpasswd -a linuxconnect

linuxconnect is the name of the user we created for this example. You can view the smbpasswd file to see the entry for your user.

This same user was created on the Windows system.

Samba Startup
You can start Samba daemons every time the system boots or start them at the command line. The following commands show starting the daemons at the command line and then viewing them:

# /sbin/service smb start

Starting SMB services: [ OK ]
Starting NMB services: [ OK ]

# ps -ef | grep mbd
root 10828 1 0 16:59 ? 00:00:00 smbd -D
root 10833 1 0 16:59 ? 00:00:00 nmbd -D

We started the daemons with /sbin/service smb start and check to see our two daemons running with ps. Should you make a change to your Samba setup and wish to restart the daemons, you could use /sbin/service smb restart.

The smbd server daemon provides the file and print services to SMB clients, such as Windows systems. SMB stands for "Server Message Block" and is defined as a network protocol for sharing files, printers, serial ports, and communications abstractions such as named pipes and mail slots between computers.

The nmbd server daemon allows for NetBIOS over IP name service requests over a network, like those produced by SMB/CIFS clients such as Windows systems. We have now performed all of the basic setup required to proceed with mounting disks

Mapping a Windows Drive to a Linux Directory
Now we can both browse the Linux system from Windows as well as mount a specific drive directory of the Linux system on our Windows system. Now we specify the Linux system and directory we will mount as F: on the Windows system:

We specified the path of \\linuxdev\linuxconnect to mount on the Windows system drive F:. This is the hostname (linuxdev) and the username (linuxconnect). The system knows automatically to go to the home directory for linuxconnect and mounts that directory as F: for us on the Windows system

Let's now get the overall status of the Samba setup with the smbclient utility on our Linux system, as shown in the following listing:

# su - linuxconnect
$ smbclient -L linuxdev

added interface ip= bcast= nmask=

Domain=[DEVENV] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.3a]

Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
homes Disk Home Directories
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Samba Server)
ADMIN$ Disk IPC Service (Samba Server)
linuxconnect Disk Home Directories

Server Comment
--------- -------
LINUXDEV Samba Server

Workgroup Master
--------- -------

Before issuing the smbclient command we changed user to linuxconnect and then issued the command.

This utility produces a useful summary of the Samba setup, including the share linuxconnect we set up, the Samba server for our example, and other useful information

Find command in detail

Find command
Commonly used operators or options:

-atime n

Find files that were accessed n days ago. +n finds files accessed greater than n days ago and -n will find files accessed less than n days ago.

eg: We all have old files on our systems and in our home directories that have not been accessed in a long time. To find files in a home directory that have not been accessed in the last 200 days, you would issue the following command:

# find . -atime +200 -print

-ctime n

Find files in which the inode was modified n days ago. +n finds files in which the inode was modified greater than n days ago and -n will find files in which the inode modified less than n days ago.

-exec command

Execute command.

-group name

Find files belonging to the given group name where name can also be the group ID number.


Do not descend directories on other file systems (not available on all UNIX variants.)

-mtime n

Find files that were modified n days ago. +n finds files modified greater than n days ago and -n will find files modified less than n days ago.

-newer file

File was modified more recently than file.

eg: to find and remove all newer modified files
#find . ! -newer "almdmst001_30062009234031.htm" -exec rm -rf {} \;

-name pattern

Look for file name of pattern.

-ok command

Check to see that it is okay to execute command before doing so. This is similar to -exec except that you are prompted for permission.

-perm mode

Find files with the specified access mode. You would supply the access mode in octal.


Print the current file name to standard output.

-type t

File has a type of t, such as d for directory and f for file.

eg:You may want to perform a find operation to produce a list of files only and not include directories in the operation. The following find is similar to what we performed earlier, but this time it produces a list of files only. This is achieved by specifying that we are looking for type f for files:

# find /home -type f -print

-size n

Find files with a size of n blocks. A block is usually 512 bytes. Using +n will find files greater than n blocks, nc will find files n characters in size and +nc will find files greater than n characters in size.

eg:we can search for all files on the system greater than 500,000 characters in size with the find command below:

# find / -size +500000c -print

-user uname

File is owned by uname.

Multiple Criteria:

-a to and two operators (operator1 -a operator2)

-o to or two operators (operator1 -o operator2)

! to specify that the operator not be matched (!operator)

\( expression )\ to specify that this expression be evaluated before others to specify preference.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mailing Services

Mailers are a set of UNIX® commands that provide command-line interfaces for users
to send and receive messages over the network. These interfaces, which are generally
referred to as Mail User Agents (MUA), communicate with a Mail Transport Agent
(MTA) to send mail messages to the appropriate destination, and receive messages
destined to the end user’s mailbox.

An MUA is a program that allows users to compose and read electronic mail messages.
The MUA provides an interface between the user and the MTA. An outgoing mail is
eventually delivered to an MTA for delivery, and the incoming messages are collected
from the MTA.

An MTA is a program that is responsible for delivering electronic mail messages. Upon
receiving a message from an MUA or another MTA, an MTA stores the message locally,
analyzes the recipients, and either delivers the message (for local addresses) or forwards
the message to another MTA for routing. In either case, the MTA can edit and add to
the message headers.

HP-UX systems use the Sendmail MTA and the elm, mail, and mailx MUAs.

Mailx Examples

echo "this is just for testing" | mailx -s"test"

for files:

mailx -s "subject" recipient < file.txt

Sending Mail to a Local User

To check your local mailer or user agent, send a mail message to a local user (for
example, joe) on your system:

date | mailx -s "Local sendmail Test" joe

This must result in a message similar to the following being sent to user joe:
From joe Wed Aug 6 09:18 MDT 2002
Received: by node2; Wed, 6 Aug 02 09:18:53 mdt
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 02 09:18:53 mdt
From: Joe User
To: joe
Subject: Local sendmail Test
Wed Aug 6 09:18:49 MDT 2002

An entry in your /var/adm/syslog/mail.log file must have been logged for the
local message transaction.

Replacing root mirror disk

Replacing root mirror disk

1. vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg00 /dev/rdsk/c2t1d0 (restores LVM config from vg00 to c2t1d0 ie new disk)

2. lvlnboot –v ( prepares the LV to be root volume)

3. vgchange -a y /dev/vg00

4. vgsync /dev/vg00 ( synchronize the disk )

5. check whether all LV’s synchronized command: lvdisplay –v /dev/vg00/lvolx | grep stale | wc –l

6. Reboot the server and boot with the root mirrored disk.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Installing and configuring sudo in HP-UX 11i v1

Sudo (Super User Do) is a very useful program that allows a system administrator to give certain users the ability to run some (or all) commands as root.

1. Download the depot & install it.


# swinstall –s /tmp/sudo-1.6.8p7-sd-11.11.depot

2. Modify the search path:
If you haven't already done so for other software, you now need to modify the search paths so that the system can find the sudo program and its manual pages. If you're running the CDE windowing system, this is done by editing the file /.dtprofile and adding the following lines (if they aren't already there) to the end of this file:
It's advisable to log out and log in again at this point to activate these changes. Make sure that the system can find the sudo program:
# sudo -V
(that's an upper case "V") and that you can display the manual pages:
# man sudo
# man visudo
# man sudoers
3. Configure sudo:
sudo is controlled by its configuration file /etc/sudoers. The program has a rich selection of configuration options and you may like to read the man page for sudoers and examine the sample configuration file which you'll find in sample.sudoers in the source code directory.
The instructions below describe how to create an sudoers file which allows any user to run the /dialup and /hangup scripts defined in Configuring PPP on Solaris to connect to an ISP and allows a particular user to run any command as root.
One potential difficulty is that the /etc/sudoers file must be edited using the visudo program and not directly in your editor of choice. visudo uses the "vi" editor and this means that you need at least a basic understanding of how to use this editor. If you aren't already familiar with vi, you'll have to learn it sooner or later so now's a good time to start! But don't worry if you've never used it before - I'll include enough instruction here to enable you to edit the short file created by the installation process and append a couple of lines to it.
To edit /etc/sudoers, make sure you're logged in as root and type:
# /usr/local/sbin/visudo
This starts the vi editor and displays the initial /etc/sudoers file. vi uses what appear at first sight to be commands that aren't exactly intuitive. If you're not familiar with vi, type the following exactly as it appears and note that commands in vi are case sensitive. So don't type a lower-case "g" when the instructions show an upper-case "G".
Move the cursor to the end of the file by typing an upper-case G:
and open a new line just beyond the last line in the file by typing a lower-case o:
vi is now in "edit" mode and anything you type is inserted into the file. If you want everyone (all users) to be able to run the /hangup and /dialup scripts, type the following:
ALL ALL=/dialup,/hangup
with a TAB character after the first "ALL". That line tells sudo that all users are allowed to execute the scripts /hangup and /dialup as if they were root.
If you want to give just one user, say jim, the ability to run the scripts, type the following instead:
jim ALL=/dialup,/hangup
You may like to add another line telling sudo that your own personal user is allowed to do anything as root. Press the ENTER key and, if your own personal user is mike, you'd type:
mike ALL=(root) ALL
again with a TAB character after "mike".
Finally, switch vi back into command mode by pressing the ESCAPE key and exit vi by typing:
followed by ENTER. If you make a mistake at any time, just press the ESCAPE key followed by:
followed by ENTER and vi will return you to the shell command prompt without making any changes to the file.

4. Using sudo:
sudo is simple to use. To execute a command with root privilege, type:
$ sudo name-of-command
If this is the first time you've used sudo since logging in, sudo will ask for your password. The password required at this point is the user's own password, not the root password. So, if you've logged in as user jane and she wants to start a dialup connection to her ISP, she would type:
# sudo /dialup
and sudo responds:
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these two things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.

Jane would then type her password and sudo will run the /dialup script for her with root privilege. If further commands are executed using sudo within 5 minutes, it will not ask for a password again.
But if Jane were to try and execute a command without having the necessary permission (as defined in the /etc/sudoers file), sudo will refuse to run it:
$ sudo vi /etc/passwd
Sorry, user jane is not allowed to execute "/usr/bin/vi /etc/passwd" as root on r3sby2.
In this example, r3sby2 is the name of the machine.
If you'd prefer not to have to type a password at all, replace the two lines in /etc/sudoers with:
ALL NOPASSWD: ALL=/dialup,/hangup
mike ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ALL

User_Alias SENIORADMIN = reo, tmiller, jbuffet
User_Alias ADMIN = jkim, sfox, dmarch
User_Alias OPERATOR = agrove, bgates, smcnealy
User_Alias WEBMASTER = crobin, elim
User_Alias DBMASTER = lellison,

Runas_Alias OP = root, bin
Runas_Alias DB = dbadmin, db
Runas_Alias WEB = webadmin, web

Cmnd_Alias DUMPS = /usr/bin/mt, /usr/sbin/ufsdump, \
Cmnd_Alias KILL = /usr/bin/kill
Cmnd_Alias PRINT = /usr/sbin/lpadmin, \
Cmnd_Alias SHUTDOWN = /usr/sbin/shutdown, \
Cmnd_Alias SU = /usr/bin/su
Cmnd_Alias SHELL = /usr/bin/su
Cmnd_Alias WEBADMIN = /usr/local/bin/httpd
Cmnd_Alias DBADMIN = /usr/local/bin/dbstart, \
/usr/local/bin/dbdump, \
Cmnd_Alias USERADMIN = /usr/sbin/useradd, \


How to remove core files

A "core" file is created when a process terminates abnormally. Programmers may use these files to understand what went wrong and what the process was doing at the time of termination.

Core files are usually quite large and are the main cause of a 'file system full' error. Following is showed how to list and delete all core files from your system.
• Produce a list of all core files
find / -name core -exec ll {} \;
• Remove all core files
find / -name core -exec rm {} \;

How to use TAR

Tar is a good utility to produce a backup. When you create a tar archive the destination locatiion could be a tape or a regular file. Note that tar can preserve file's permission and its mode.

For example, you have the following directory structure:


Create an archive

To create an archive of the entire test directory, issue the following command:

tar cvf my_arch.tar /home/oracle/alex/test

If you want to include into your archive several different directories you might use the following command:

tar cvf my_arch.tar -I include.lst

where the -I option specifies the name of a file with a list of directories and files that you want to include into your archive.

Also, it's possible to exclude certain files and directories from your archive:

tar cvfX my_arch.tar exclude.lst -I include.lst

List an archive contents

To list the contents of your archive issue the following command:

tar tf my_arch.tar

Extract from an archive

To extract the contents of your archive:

tar xvfp my_arch.tar

Note, that everything will be extracted exactly at the same location from where it was taken. If some directories do no exist then they will be created.

Legend of tar's options

c - add to archive, using an absolute path
x - extract from archive
t - read the contents of an archive
f - you work with a file, otherwise it's a tape
p - preserve file's permissions and modes
v - verbose, display the result
-I - use an include list
X - use an exclude list

HP-UX boot guide

Normal Boot
The bootstrap process involves the execution of three software components:
• pdc
• isl
• hpux


Automatic boot processes on various HP-UX systems follow similar general sequences. When power is applied to the HP-UX system processor, or the system Reset button is pressed, the firmware processor-dependent code (pdc) is executed to verify hardware and general system integrity. After checking the hardware, pdc gives the user the option to override the autoboot sequence by pressing the Esc key. A message resembling the following usually appears on the console.
(c) Copyright. Hewlett-Packard Company. 1994.
All rights reserved.

PDC ROM rev. 130.0
32 MB of memory configured and tested.

Selecting a system to boot.
To stop selection process, press and hold the ESCAPE key...

If no keyboard activity is detected, pdc commences the autoboot sequence by loading isl and transferring control to it.
The initial system loader (isl) implements the operating-system-independent portion of the bootstrap process. It is loaded and executed after self-test and initialization have completed successfully. Typically, when control is transferred to isl, an autoboot sequence takes place. An autoboot sequence allows a complete bootstrap operation to occur with no intervention from an operator. While an autoboot sequence occurs, isl finds and executes the autoexecute file which requests that hpux be run with appropriate arguments. Messages similar to the following are displayed by isl on the console:
Booting from: scsi.6 HP 2213A
Hard booted.
ISL Revision A.00.09 March 27, 1990
ISL booting hpux boot disk(;0)/stand/vmunix
hpux, the secondary system loader, then announces the operation it is performing, in this case the boot operation, the device file from which the load image comes, and the TEXT size, DATA size, BSS size, and start address of the load image, as shown below, before control is passed to the image.
Booting disk(scsi.6;0)/stand/vmunix
966616+397312+409688 start 0x6c50

Finally, the loaded image displays numerous configuration and status messages, and passes control to the init process.
Single-user Boot
A single-user boot in HP-UX is sometimes referred to as an interactive boot or attended mode boot. Pressing the Escape key at the boot banner on an older Series 700 workstation halts the automatic boot sequence, puts you into attended mode, and displays the Boot Console User Interface main menu, a sample of which is below.
Selecting a system to boot.
To stop selection process, press and hold the ESCAPE key.

Selection process stopped.

Searching for Potential Boot Devices.
To terminate search, press and hold the ESCAPE key.

Device Selection Device Path Device Type
P0 scsi.6.0 QUANTUM PD210S
P1 scsi.1.0 HP 2213A
P2 lan.ffffff-ffffff.f.f hpfoobar

b) Boot from specified device
s) Search for bootable devices
a) Enter Boot Administration mode
x) Exit and continue boot sequence

Select from menu:

In this case the system automatically searches the SCSI, LAN, and EISA interfaces for all potential boot devices-devices for which boot I/O code (IODC) exists. The key to booting to single-user mode is first to boot to ISL using the b) option. The ISL is the program that actually controls the loading of the operating system. To do this using the above as an example, you would type the following at the Select from menu: prompt:
Select from menu: b p0 isl

This tells the system to boot to the ISL using the SCSI drive at address 6 (since the device path of P0 is scsi.6.0). After displaying a few messages, the system then produces the ISL> prompt.
Pressing the Escape key at the boot banner on newer Series 700 machines produces the Boot Administration Utility, as shown below.
Command Description
------- -----------
Auto [boot|search] [on|off] Display or set auto flag
Boot [pri|alt|scsi.addr][isl] Boot from primary, alt or SCSI
Boot lan[.lan_addr][install][isl] Boot from LAN
Chassis [on|off] Enable chassis code
Diagnostic [on|off] Enable/disable diag boot mode
Fastboot [on|off] Display or set fast boot flag
Help Display the command menu
Information Display system information
LanAddress Display LAN station addresses
Monitor [type] Select monitor type
Path [pri|alt] [|SCSI.addr] Change boot path
Pim [hpmc|toc|lpmc] Display PIM info
Search [ipl] [scsi|lan [install]] Display potential boot devices
Secure [on|off] Display or set security mode

To display bootable devices with this menu you have to execute the Search command at the BOOT_ADMIN> prompt:
BOOT_ADMIN> search
Searching for potential boot device.
This may take several minutes.

To discontinue, press ESCAPE.

Device Path Device Type
-------------- ---------------
scsi.6.0 HP C2247
scsi.3.0 HP HP35450A
scsi.2.0 Toshiba CD-ROM


To boot to ISL from the disk at device path scsi.6.0 type the following:
BOOT_ADMIN>boot scsi.6.0 isl

Once you get the ISL prompt you can run the hpux utility to boot the kernel to single-user mode:
ISL>hpux -is

This essentially tells hpux to load the kernel (/stand/vmunix) into single-user mode (-is) off the SCSI disk drive containing the kernel. The -is option says to pass the string s to the init process (i), and the command init s puts the system in single-user mode. In fact, you will see something similar to the following after typing the above command:
: disk(scsi.6;0)/stand/vmunix
966616+397312+409688 start 0x6c50

Kernel Startup Messages Omitted

INIT: Overriding default level with level 's'


Beginning with HP¬UX 10 /etc/inittab calls /sbin/rc, which in turn calls execution scripts to start subsystems. This approach follows the OSF/1 industry standard and has been adopted by Sun, SGI, and other vendors. There are four components to this method of startup and shutdown: /sbin/rc, execution scripts, configuration variable scripts, and link files.
This script invokes execution scripts based on run levels. It is also known as the startup and shutdown sequencer script.
Execution scripts
These scripts start up and shut down various subsystems and are found in the /sbin/init.d directory. /sbin/rc invokes each execution script with one of four arguments, indicating the "mode":
start Bring the subsystem up
start_msg Report what the start action will do
stop Bring the subsystem down
stop_msg Report what the stop action will do
These scripts are designed never to be modified. Instead, they are customized by sourcing in configuration files found in the /etc/rc.config.d directory. These configuration files contain variables that you can set. For example, in the configuration file /etc/rc.config.d/netconf you can specify routing tables by setting variables like these:

The execution script /sbin/init.d/net sources these and other network-related variables when it runs upon system startup. More on configuration files is described below.
Upon startup a checklist similar to the one below will appear based upon the exit value of each of the execution scripts.
HP-UX Startup in progress
Mount file systems..............................[ OK ]
Setting hostname................................[ OK ]
Set privilege group.............................[ OK ]
Display date...................................[FAIL]*
Enable auxiliary swap space....................[ N/A ]
Start syncer daemon.............................[ OK ]
Configure LAN interfaces........................[ OK ]
Start Software Distributor agent daemo..........[ OK ]

The execution scripts have the following exit values:
0 Script exited without error. This causes the status OK to appear in the checklist.
1 Script encountered errors. This causes the status FAIL to appear in the checklist.
2 Script was skipped due to overriding control variables from /etc/rc.config.d files or for other reasons, and did not actually do anything. This causes the status N/A to appear in the checklist.
3 Script executed normally and requires an immediate system reboot for the changes to take effect. (NOTE: Reserved for key system components).
Configuration variable scripts
Configuration variable scripts are designed to customize the execution scripts. This goal here is to separate startup files from configuration files so that upgrading your system does not overwrite its configuration. These scripts are written for the POSIX shell (/usr/bin/sh or /sbin/sh), and not the Bourne shell, ksh, or csh. In some cases, these files must also be read, and possibly modified by other scripts or the SAM program. For this reason, each variable definition must appear on a separate line, in the syntax:
No trailing comments may appear on a variable definition line. Comment statements must be on separate lines, with the "#" comment character in column 1. An example of the required syntax for configuration files is given below:
# Cron configuration. See cron(1m)
# CRON: Set to 1 to start cron daemon

Both the execution scripts and the configuration files are named after the subsystem they control. For example, the /sbin/init.d/cron execution script controls the cron daemon, and it is customized by the /etc/rc.config.d/cron configuration variable script.
Link Files
These files control the order in which execution scripts run. The /sbin/rc#.d (where # is a run-level) directories are startup and shutdown sequencer directories. They contain only symbolic links to the execution scripts in /sbin/init.d that are executed by /sbin/rc on transition to a specific run level. For example, the /sbin/rc3.d directory contains symbolic links to scripts that are executed when entering run level 3.
These directories contain two types of link files: start links and kill links. Start links have names beginning with the capital letter S and are invoked with the start argument at system boot time or on transition to a higher run level. Kill links have names beginning with the capital letter K and are invoked with the stop argument at system shutdown time, or when moving to a lower run level.
Further, all link files in a sequencer directory are numbered to ensure a particular execution sequence. Each script has, as part of its name, a three-digit sequence number. This, in combination with the start and kill notation, provides all the information necessary to properly start up and shut down a system.
The table below shows some samples from the run-level directories. (The sequence numbers shown are only for example and may not accurately represent your system.)
/sbin/rc0.d /sbin/rc1.d /sbin/rc2.d /sbinrc3.d
K480syncer S100hfsmount S340net S000nfs.server
K800killall S320hostname S500inetd
K900hfsmount S440savecore S540sendmail
S500swapstart S610rbootd
S520syncer S720lp
K280lp K900nfs.server
Because each script in /sbin/init.d performs both the startup and shutdown functions, each will have two links pointing towards the script from /sbin/rc*.d; one for the start action and one for the stop action.
Run Levels and /sbin/rc
In previous HP-UX releases, /etc/rc (now /sbin/rc) was run only once. Now it may run several times during the execution of a system, sequencing the execution scripts when moving between run levels. However, only the subsystems configured for execution, through configuration variables in /etc/rc.config.d, are started or stopped when transitioning the run levels.
/sbin/rc sequences the startup and shutdown scripts in the appropriate sequencer directories in lexicographical order. Upon transition from a lower to a higher run level, the start scripts for the new run level and all intermediate levels between the old and new level are executed. Upon transition from a higher to a lower run level, the kill scripts for the new run level and all intermediate levels between the old and new level are executed.
When a system is booted to a particular run level, it will execute startup scripts for all run levels up to and including the specified level (except run level 0). For example, if booting to run level 4, /sbin/rc looks at the old run level (S) and the new run level (4) and executes all start scripts in states 1, 2, 3, and 4. Within each level, the start scripts are sorted lexicographically and executed in that order. Each level is sorted and executed separately to ensure that the lower level subsystems are started before the higher level subsystems.
Consequently, when shutting down a system, the reverse takes place. The kill scripts are executed in lexicographical order starting at the highest run level and working down, as to stop the subsystems in the reverse order they were started. As mentioned earlier, the numbering is reversed from the startup order.
If you want cron to start when entering run level 2, you would modify the configuration variable script /etc/rc.config.d/cron to read as follows:
# cron config
# CRON=1 to start


This would be necessary because the execution script, /sbin/init.d/cron contains the following:
# cron startup
. /etc/rc/config

if [ $CRON = 1 ]
then /usr/sbin/cron
cron will start at run level 2 because in /sbin/rc2.d a link exists from S730cron to /sbin/init.d/cron. /sbin/rc will invoke /sbin/init.d/cron with a start argument because the link name starts with an S.
System Shutdown
To shut down HP-UX for power-off, you can do any of the following:
# init 0
# shutdown -h -y now
To shut down and reboot HP-UX:
# reboot
# shutdown -r -y now
To shut down HP-UX to single-user mode:
# init S
# shutdown -y now
# shutdown 0
The -h option to the shutdown command halts the system completely but will prompt you for a message to issue users. The -y option completes the shutdown without asking you any of the questions it would normally ask.

Extending root file system

LVM maintenance mode is not going to help you in this. The problem is that the /stand, swap and / (the root file system), all need to be contiguous. In order to increase /, you would have to move the lvol containing /home.
The easiest way to do this is to make an ignite backup tape, boot off it and resize your root logical volumes at that point.

You can not extend as there is no contigous space available for extending the root volume !

Ignite is the best and safe. Still if you wanna do some LVM tasks, I have documented how to increase /stand in the following thread. With some slight modifications u can use it for root filesystem as well. I have tested and it works fine

Here i have adjusted the size of SWAP a bit so that it could be successfully added to the /stand filesystem ... As you have root filesystem it is more simple as you may have /var or /opt to be moved a little further and then increase root filesystem.

The Logic is as follows

1. Goto LVM Maintanance Level
2. Find out the next lvol after root lvol
3. Create a similier one somewhere else in the rootvg and create fs on it.
4. Transfer the data to the new filesystem
5. Remove the old filesystem and lvol.
6. You will have contigous space for extending root lvol now !
7. Extend it and resize the filesystem with extendfs
8. Compensate the /etc/fstab as you have changed the device file !
9. Update BOOT,ROOT,SWAP and dump definitions using lvlnboot

REBOOT !!!!!

This is really interesting ... why don't you try this after taking an ignite backup ? If u do a mistake u can always go back to your ignite !

Notes :- This method will save lots of time ! BUUUUUT never go for this first time w/o a proper backup !!!!!


01. You are not just an "HP kid" who will play with ignite like stuff.

02. You like taking some risk & saving your valuable time

Size of /dev/vg00/lvol1 is A (boot or /stand or /dev/vg00/lvol1)

Size of /dev/vg00/lvol2 is B (swap or /dev/vg00/lvol2)

You wanna increase size of lvol1 from A to A+X (where X is not more than B - "physical memory installed in your machine")

Basically we have to decrease size of swap to increase boot as they are contigous.

Now Extending /stand is an easy job which can be performed in 10-15 minutes.


01. Boot your machine in LVM maintenance mode
(hpux -lm at ISL>)

#rm /etc/mnttab
#vgchange -a y /dev/vg00
#lvrmboot -r /dev/vg00
#lvremove /dev/vg00/lvol2
#lvextend -L "A+X" /dev/vg00/lvol1
#extendfs /dev/vg00/rlvol1
#lvcreate -L "B-(X+10)" -C y -r n -n lvol2 /dev/vg00
#lvlnboot -b /dev/vg00/lvol1
#lvlnboot -r /dev/vg00/lvol3
#lvlnboot -s /dev/vg00/lvol2
#lvlnboot -d /dev/vg00/lvol2
#reboot -r

You have your /stand extended now

This is a working solution i have tried & found success

How to Deletes files for particular dates & time

1:- using one Month

#ls -l |grep -i Jan |awk ' { print "rm " $9}' > sunil
#chmod 755 sunil

2:- using file name & month

#ls -l |grep -i "WF_LOG_*_*" |grep -i Jan |awk ' { print "rm " $9}' > sunil
#chmod 755 sunil

3:- For multiple months

# ls -l |grep -i "WF_LOG_*_*" |grep -i -e oct -e nov |awk ' { print "rm " $9}' > sunil
#chmod 755 sunil

4:- By modified time (300 days back) & multiple months between the dates.

#find /sapmnt/SRP/global -xdev -mtime +300 -type f -exec ll {} \; |grep -i "WF_LOG_*_*" |grep -i -e oct -e nov |awk ' { print "rm " $9}' > sunil
#chmod 755 sunil

5:- Delete file older than hours Example 2Hrs.

#touch -t 11281610 sun (Create a file for comparison)
# find /sapmnt/SRP/global -newer sun |awk ' { print "rm " $9}’

6:- Moving file by modified time

find /usr/sap/trans/log -xdev -mtime +700 -type f -exec ll {} \; | awk '{print "mv " $9 " /usr/sap/datatrans/" }' > sunil

Who Rebooted the server?

Please check these following files before judge who had rebooted your server:
1. /var/adm/crash
2. /etc/shutdownlog
3. /var/tombstones/ts99
4. /var/opt/resmon/log/event.log

If there is nothing indication that come from the above files, then it is probably because of a power failure occured for a short time.

#vi .sh_hystory then Esc-Shift-G to go the end of line

Sticky Bit

There is an interesting file protection mode called the sticky bit, which has a useful effect when applied to directories. If the sticky bit is set on a directory, files inside the directory may be renamed or removed only by the owner of the file, the owner of the directory, or the superuser even if the modes of the directory would otherwise allow such an operation. This is effective for temporary directories such as /tmp and /var/tmp which must be accessible to many authorized users. The following two commands have the same effect:

# chmod a+rwxt /tmp
# chmod 1777 /tmp

allows anyone to create, read, and write files in /tmp, but only the file owner, the directory owner, or root can delete files