Q. Can you explain how do I use cpio under Linux / UNIX?
A. GNU cpio is a tool for creating and extracting archives, or copying files from one place to another. It handles a number of cpio formats as well as reading and writing tar files. cpio command works just like tar, only better.
As I said earlier, cpio works like tar but it can read input from the "find" command. This is nifty feature. For example you can find out all *.c files and backup with cpio command.
# find / -name "*.c" | cpio -o --format=tar > c-file.backup.tar
# find / -iname "*.pl" | cpio -o -H tar > perl-files.tar
You can also specify file name using -F option:
# find / -iname "*.pl" | cpio -o -H tar -F perl-files.tar
-o: Create archive
-F: Archive filename to use instead of standard input or output. To use a tape drive on another machine as the archive.
-H format: Specify file format to use.
-i: Restore archive
You can extract archive with the following command:
# cpio -i -F perl-files.tar
You can list file inside archive i.e. list contents of the cpio file with following command:
# cpio -it -F perl-files.tar
You can write archive of /home to tape (drive /dev/nst0), type the following command:
# find /home | cpio -o -H tar -F /dev/nst0
Restore backup using following command:
# cpio -i -F /dev/nst0Backup /home dir,
to remote system tape drive:
# find /home | cpio -o -H tar -F user@backup.nixcraft.in:/dev/nst0 --rsh-command=/usr/bin/ssh
Friday, May 14, 2010
HP-UX UNIX: Start / Stop and Configure Cron Services
Q. I need to run a backup and other stuff everyday. How do I check and start cron service under HP-UX UNIX operating system? How do I write cron jobs?
A. Cron service is required to run jobs and tasks such as backup.
You must login as the root to run following commands. Each user that is using the cron service must have a cron configuration file in the /var/spool/cron/crontab directory. Also users are permitted if their name appeared in /var/adm/cron/cron.allow file
Task: Find out if cron is running under HP-UX
Type the following command at a shell prompt
# ps -ef | grep cron
Open /etc/rc.config.d/cron file
vi /etc/rc.config.d/cron
Set control variable to 1 to enable cron : CRON=1
Set control variable to 0 to disable : CRON=0
Close and save the file. To start or stop cron you can type the following command:
# /sbin/init.d/cron start <-- start cron
# /sbin/init.d/cron stop <-- stop cron
Task: HP-UX Start cron service
If cron is not running, simply type:
# cron
Task: Edit / create cron jobs
Type the following command to submit a cron job:
# crontab -e
List your cron file:
# crontab -l
Backup all your cron jobs:
# crontab -l > ~/backup.cron.jobs
Remove ALL cron job:
# crontab -r
Task: Crontab file format
Cron file format is as follows:
0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 0-6 /root/scripts/backup2tape.sh
Easy to remember crontab file format:
* * * * * command to be executed
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | ----- Day of week (0 - 7) (Sunday=0 or 7)
| | | ------- Month (1 - 12)
| | --------- Day of month (1 - 31)
| ----------- Hour (0 - 23)
------------- Minute (0 - 59)To run /root/script/backup at 23:00, every day, enter:
# crontab -e
Append following
0 23 * * * /root/script/backupRun foo job very weekday (MON-Fri) at 6am, enter:
0 6 * * 1-5 /root/script/backup
A. Cron service is required to run jobs and tasks such as backup.
You must login as the root to run following commands. Each user that is using the cron service must have a cron configuration file in the /var/spool/cron/crontab directory. Also users are permitted if their name appeared in /var/adm/cron/cron.allow file
Task: Find out if cron is running under HP-UX
Type the following command at a shell prompt
# ps -ef | grep cron
Open /etc/rc.config.d/cron file
vi /etc/rc.config.d/cron
Set control variable to 1 to enable cron : CRON=1
Set control variable to 0 to disable : CRON=0
Close and save the file. To start or stop cron you can type the following command:
# /sbin/init.d/cron start <-- start cron
# /sbin/init.d/cron stop <-- stop cron
Task: HP-UX Start cron service
If cron is not running, simply type:
# cron
Task: Edit / create cron jobs
Type the following command to submit a cron job:
# crontab -e
List your cron file:
# crontab -l
Backup all your cron jobs:
# crontab -l > ~/backup.cron.jobs
Remove ALL cron job:
# crontab -r
Task: Crontab file format
Cron file format is as follows:
0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 0-6 /root/scripts/backup2tape.sh
Easy to remember crontab file format:
* * * * * command to be executed
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | ----- Day of week (0 - 7) (Sunday=0 or 7)
| | | ------- Month (1 - 12)
| | --------- Day of month (1 - 31)
| ----------- Hour (0 - 23)
------------- Minute (0 - 59)To run /root/script/backup at 23:00, every day, enter:
# crontab -e
Append following
0 23 * * * /root/script/backupRun foo job very weekday (MON-Fri) at 6am, enter:
0 6 * * 1-5 /root/script/backup
HP-UX UNIX Configure an NTP Server
Q. How do I configure an NTP (network time protocol) Server under HP-UX UNIX server as my applications rely on the system clock accuracy to get current time / run reports?
A. NTP is used for time synchronization. Many applications such as backup shell/perl scripts, make utility and others depends upon accurate system time.
HP-UX xntpd server configuration
xntpd server (daemon) is used by HP-UX. Open file /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons:
# vi /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons
Make sure following variables are defined and XNTPD is set to 1:
export NTPDATE_SERVER='ntp.mycorp.com pool.ntp.org in.pool.ntp.org'
export XNTPD=1
export XNTPD_ARGS=
Save and close the file. Where,
■NTPDATE_SERVER : space-separated list of timeserver / IPs - If server uses the radio clock / system time, leave the NTPDATE_SERVER blank.
■XNTPD : set it to 1 to enable NTP
■XNTPD_ARGS : set options, see man page
Make sure correct timezone is setup in /etc/TIMEZONE file (look for TZ variable):
# vi /etc/TIMEZONE
Save and close the file. Open /etc/ntp.conf file:
vi /etc/ntp.conf
Make sure server are defined:
server unix-box-ntp
server delhi-ntp
peer delhi-noc-ntp
driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
Close and save the file. Where,
■server : ntp server used (poll) to obtain time
■peer : a peer relationship with another ntp server
■driftfile : track local clock time (drift of the local clock)
Start HP-UX ntp service:
# /sbin/init.d/xntpd start
# /sbin/init.d/xntpd stop <-- stop ntp service
Verify that everything is working fine:
# ntpq -p
Watch out log file /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log for errors:
# tail -f /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
Make sure xntpd is running:
# ps -ef | grep xntpd
SAM - GUI Admin Tool
=> SAM can also be used to configure NTP service under HP-UX, just start SAM and open time window.
A. NTP is used for time synchronization. Many applications such as backup shell/perl scripts, make utility and others depends upon accurate system time.
HP-UX xntpd server configuration
xntpd server (daemon) is used by HP-UX. Open file /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons:
# vi /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons
Make sure following variables are defined and XNTPD is set to 1:
export NTPDATE_SERVER='ntp.mycorp.com pool.ntp.org in.pool.ntp.org'
export XNTPD=1
export XNTPD_ARGS=
Save and close the file. Where,
■NTPDATE_SERVER : space-separated list of timeserver / IPs - If server uses the radio clock / system time, leave the NTPDATE_SERVER blank.
■XNTPD : set it to 1 to enable NTP
■XNTPD_ARGS : set options, see man page
Make sure correct timezone is setup in /etc/TIMEZONE file (look for TZ variable):
# vi /etc/TIMEZONE
Save and close the file. Open /etc/ntp.conf file:
vi /etc/ntp.conf
Make sure server are defined:
server unix-box-ntp
server delhi-ntp
peer delhi-noc-ntp
driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
Close and save the file. Where,
■server : ntp server used (poll) to obtain time
■peer : a peer relationship with another ntp server
■driftfile : track local clock time (drift of the local clock)
Start HP-UX ntp service:
# /sbin/init.d/xntpd start
# /sbin/init.d/xntpd stop <-- stop ntp service
Verify that everything is working fine:
# ntpq -p
Watch out log file /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log for errors:
# tail -f /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
Make sure xntpd is running:
# ps -ef | grep xntpd
SAM - GUI Admin Tool
=> SAM can also be used to configure NTP service under HP-UX, just start SAM and open time window.
HP-UX: How Do I configure routing or add route?
You can use route command to configure routing. Syntax is as follows:
route add net {network-address} netmask {subnet} {router-address}
Let us assume your router address is and network ID is, then you can type route command as follows:
# route add net netmask
To add a default route:
# route add default
Verify that (display) routing table is updated (display routing table):
# netstat -nr
Test it i.e. try to ping or send nslookup request:
# ping mycorp.com
To flush all routing entries use command :
# route -f
However if I reboot HPUX box then above routing entries gets removed. To pick up your setting upon each reboot your need to configure Routes in HPUX networking configuration file - /etc/rc.config.d/netconf. To add default router/gateway
# vi /etc/rc.config.d/netconf
Add or modify following entries
Reboot HP-UX system/server to take effect
# shutdown -ry 0
route add net {network-address} netmask {subnet} {router-address}
Let us assume your router address is and network ID is, then you can type route command as follows:
# route add net netmask
To add a default route:
# route add default
Verify that (display) routing table is updated (display routing table):
# netstat -nr
Test it i.e. try to ping or send nslookup request:
# ping mycorp.com
To flush all routing entries use command :
# route -f
However if I reboot HPUX box then above routing entries gets removed. To pick up your setting upon each reboot your need to configure Routes in HPUX networking configuration file - /etc/rc.config.d/netconf. To add default router/gateway
# vi /etc/rc.config.d/netconf
Add or modify following entries
Reboot HP-UX system/server to take effect
# shutdown -ry 0
How to mount CDROM in hpux
HP-UX UNIX Mount CDROM ( CDFS ) Filesystem Command
Q. How do I mount CDROM media under HP-UX UNIX System from a shell prompt? How do I automount CDFS file system using /etc/fstab file?
A. You need to use standard mount command to mount the CD (data CD or ISO9600 format cd). You must login as the root user to perform following operations.
Step # 1: Find CDROM device name
Ypu need to use ioscan command to find out the block device file name located at /dev/dsk directory. Without the block device name, you will not able to use CDROM. Type the following command to view CD-ROM device name:
# isoscan -funC disk
-F : Generate a full listing, displaying the module's class, instance number, hardware path, driver, software state, hardware type, and a brief description.
-u : Scan and list usable I/O system devices instead of the actual hardware.
-n : List device file names in the output. Only special files in the /dev directory and its subdirectories are listed.
-C disk : Scan the system hardware and list all the devices belonging to the disk device class.
Step # 2: Create a mount point
Next create a mount point for CD-ROM such as /cddisk, enter:
# mkdir /cddisk
Step # 3: Mount the CD
Mount the cd, enter:
# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ /cddisk
Replace /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ with actual device name such as /dev/dsk/c1t3d0:
# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c1t3d0 /cddisk
To access file use normal UNIX cd, ls, cp commands, enter:
# cd /cddisk
# ls
# cp file /somewhere/else
Step # 4: Update /etc/fstab
Update your /etc/fstab file for automatic mounting, enter:
# vi /etc/fstab
Append following line, enter:
/dev/dsk/c1t3d0 /cddisk cdfs ro 0 0
Save and close the file. Use mountall command to mount all file system listed in /etc/fstab, enter:
# mountall
Above will mount all unmounted file systems listed in /etc/fstab.
Step # 5: Unmount the CD
To unmount the cd, enter:
# umount /cddisk
Q. How do I mount CDROM media under HP-UX UNIX System from a shell prompt? How do I automount CDFS file system using /etc/fstab file?
A. You need to use standard mount command to mount the CD (data CD or ISO9600 format cd). You must login as the root user to perform following operations.
Step # 1: Find CDROM device name
Ypu need to use ioscan command to find out the block device file name located at /dev/dsk directory. Without the block device name, you will not able to use CDROM. Type the following command to view CD-ROM device name:
# isoscan -funC disk
-F : Generate a full listing, displaying the module's class, instance number, hardware path, driver, software state, hardware type, and a brief description.
-u : Scan and list usable I/O system devices instead of the actual hardware.
-n : List device file names in the output. Only special files in the /dev directory and its subdirectories are listed.
-C disk : Scan the system hardware and list all the devices belonging to the disk device class.
Step # 2: Create a mount point
Next create a mount point for CD-ROM such as /cddisk, enter:
# mkdir /cddisk
Step # 3: Mount the CD
Mount the cd, enter:
# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ /cddisk
Replace /dev/dsk/cXtYdZ with actual device name such as /dev/dsk/c1t3d0:
# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c1t3d0 /cddisk
To access file use normal UNIX cd, ls, cp commands, enter:
# cd /cddisk
# ls
# cp file /somewhere/else
Step # 4: Update /etc/fstab
Update your /etc/fstab file for automatic mounting, enter:
# vi /etc/fstab
Append following line, enter:
/dev/dsk/c1t3d0 /cddisk cdfs ro 0 0
Save and close the file. Use mountall command to mount all file system listed in /etc/fstab, enter:
# mountall
Above will mount all unmounted file systems listed in /etc/fstab.
Step # 5: Unmount the CD
To unmount the cd, enter:
# umount /cddisk
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